Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Watch for New Method of Grading English Work on VLA - Coming This Fall!

We are currently in the process of changing the procedure that your child will work on English units where a paper is asked to be typed. The picture above will be present in the comment section which indicates for your child to stop and submit their work before moving on to next step. This holds true for each part of the writing process. This will enable the teacher to have a chance to look over their work before they proceed with their final draft. This will hold true for the topic and the topic sentence as well as the following:

Rough Draft: Type your rough draft in a word document, and attach the document to the answer box. When you have finished this part of the assignment, save your work and submit your answers to your teacher before moving on. If you have any questions, be sure to email your teacher for help.

Self-Evaluate: You should submit the same word document you prepared for your rough draft with all of the revisions in place. If you have any questions, be sure to email your teacher for help.

Final Draft:  Make your final corrections and revisions. Be sure to email your teacher if you have any questions. Submit your final draft in the box below. You should submit the same word document you’ve been working on and revising.

Make sure you communicate with your child and their teacher so everything runs smooth.

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